Performs STOCSY analysis on X by peak intensity variable defined by the chemical shift driver_peak.

Utilises the STOCSY function written by Kirill Veselkov


model = csm_stocsy( spectra, driver_peak );

model = csm_stocsy( spectra, driver_peak, 'p' , p , 'corr_metric' , corr_metric );

Arguments (* = required)

VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
*spectracsm_spectraNonecsm_spectra object containing spectral matrix.
*driver_peak1*1NoneChemical shift value of target intensity variable.
p1*10.1p-value threshold for null hypothesis of no correlation
corr_metricstr'pearson'Correlation coefficient measure - 'pearson' or 'spearman'


csm_scalecsm_wrapperObject with some stored inputs, the outputs and auditInfo.
csm_stocsy.output.ccm*1Correlation coefficients between NMR and peakID


Olivier Cloarec, Marc-Emmanuel Dumas, Andrew Craig, Richard H. Barton, Johan Trygg, Jane Hudson, Christine Blancher, Dominique Gauguier, John C. Lindon, Elaine Holmes, and Jeremy Nicholson

Statistical Total Correlation Spectroscopy:?An Exploratory Approach for Latent Biomarker Identification from Metabolic 1H NMR Data Sets

Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77 (5), pp 1282?1289

Copyright Imperial College London 2019