CSM Spectra

Abstract CSM spectra Base Class.

CSM spectra object. Abstract class, please use csm_nmr_spectra or

csm_ms_spectra, or csm_jres_spectra

csm_spectra.getSubSpectra( conditions ) will return a spectra based on the fields in sampleInfo.

conditions is the format {{ field, condition }}, and multiple conditions can be specified


conditions = { { 'HistoScore', 'HS2' }, { 'RatNumber', '34' } }


nmr_spectra = csm_nmr_spectra( X, ppm );

jres_spectra = csm_jres_spectra( X, ppm , ppm2D );

ms_spectra = csm_ms_spectra( X, mz );


csm_spectra.setX( X )Assign a new spectral matrix to the object. Resets csmDataHash.
csm_spectra.getSubSpectra( conditions )Return sub spec based on sampleInfo conditions. See description.
csm_spectra.addSpectra( spectra )Add a spectra object to this one.
csm_spectra.getTable( )Get a table of the X matrix.

Copyright Imperial College London 2019