Plot the scores and loadings from a PCA model
Utilises the CJSpcaPlot function written by Caroline Sands.
If classes is specified, uses those classes. Otherwise uses the
classes specified in the csm_pca_model.input.spectra (csm_nmr_spectra).
figure = csm_plot_pca( csm_pca_model );
figure = csm_plot_pca( csm_pca_model, 'plot_type', plot_type, 'classes', classes, 'sample_ids', sample_ids, 'components', components );
Variable | Type | Default Value | Description |
*csm_pca_model | csm_pca | None | csm_pca model. |
plot_type | str | 'all' | 'all', 'scores', 'loadings', 'stats' |
classes | m*1 | is table from csm_pca spectra input | Classes for plotting |
sample_ids | cell | is sample_ids from csm_pca spectra input | Sample Labels for plotting |
components | m*1 | is all | Vector of which components to plot |
Variable | Type | Description |
figure | csm_figure | csm_figure with some stored inputs, the handle and auditInfo. |
Copyright Imperial College London 2019