CSM MS Spectra

ectra < csm_spectra

MS spectral Object. Contains X, X scale and various metadata.

ms_features object is accessed using the identifier specified in the

x_scale and x_scale_name. It's up to you make sure you do this correctly.

Extends csm_spectra; see csm_spectra for more information.

csm_nmr_spectra.getSubSpectra( conditions ) will return a spectra based on the fields in sample_metadata.

conditions is the format {{ field, condition }}, and multiple conditions can be specified


conditions = {{ 'HistoScore', 'HS2' } ,{ 'RatNumber', '34' }}


spectra = csm_ms_spectra( X, x_scale, x_scale_name );

spectra = csm_ms_spectra( X, x_scale, x_scale_name, 'ms_type', ms_type, 'name', name, 'is_continous', is_continuous, 'sample_ids', sample_ids, 'sample_metadata', sample_metadata, 'ms_features', ms_features );

Arguments (* = required)

VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
*Xm*nNonespectral matrix.
*x_scale1*nNoneX Scale, the X scale used in this dataset, ie retentionTime_mz.
*x_scale_namestrNoneThe name of X scale, ie 'retentionTime_mz'.
ms_typestrNoneThe type of MS, 'LC-MS', 'HPLC-MS', 'GC-MS', 'UPLC-MS', 'Direct Injection','HPLC-MS'.
namestrNoneName of the data structure.
is_continuousbooltrueWhether the x scale is continuous
sample_idscell{}Sample IDs, Use the numeric index to match to the row
csm_sample_metadatacsm_sample_metadata[]Sample Metadata
ms_featuresmapemptyContainer of features


csm_ms_spectracsm_ms_spectraCSM MS spectra object.
csm_ms_spectra.Xm*nspectral Matrix.
csm_ms_spectra.x_scale1*nPPM Scale.
csm_ms_spectra.namestrName of the object.
csm_ms_spectra.sample_idscellSample IDs, using a numeric index.
csm_ms_spectra.sample_metadatacsm_import_sample_metadataMetadata from import.
csm_ms_spectra.auditInfocsm_audit_infoAudit Info object.
csm_ms_spectra.ms_featurescsm_ms_featuresContainer of features

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