CSM OrthPLS Permutate

ermutation test for OrthPLS, running p permutations of Y.

Utilises the JTPpermutate() method written by Jake Pearce.

Compares the OrthPLS model against a randomised version to test the validity.


model = csm_orth_pls_permutate( spectra, Y, p );

model = csm_orth_pls( spectra, Y, p, 'num_pred_comp', num_pred_comp, 'num_Y_orth_comp', num_Y_orth_comp, 'num_cv_rounds',num_cv_rounds, 'scale_type', scale_type, 'model_type', model_type);

Arguments (* = required)

VariableTypeDefault ValueDescription
*spectracsm_spectraNonecsm_spectra object containing spectral matrix.
*Ym*1NoneMatrix of predictors - Orthogonal components (For discriminant analysis this is a vector of 0/1's to define class)
*p1x1NoneNumber of permutations.
num_pred_comp1*1NoneNumber of predictive components.
num_Y_orth_comp1*1NoneNumber of Y-orthogonal components (OC in X). The number of components in A+oax should be kept to a minimum to prevent overfitting.
num_cv_rounds1*1NoneNumber of cross validation rounds (Default 7).
scale_typestr'mc'Preprocessing; 'mc' for mean-centering, 'pa' for pareto, 'uv' for unit-variance scaling, or 'none'
model_typestr'da''da' for discriminant analysis, 're' for regression. if 'da', sensitivity and specificity will be calculated


csm_orth_pls_permutatecsm_wrappercsm_wrapper with some stored inputs, the outputs and metadata.
csm_orth_pls_permutate.output.pv1*1P-value (non-parametric).
csm_orth_pls_permutate.output.Q2p1*nQ2 values for all permutations.
csm_orth_pls_permutate.output.R2p1*nR2 values for all permutations.
csm_orth_pls_permutate.output.orth_pls_modelobjCanonical OrthPLS model.

Copyright Imperial College London 2019